Welcome to Agency News - a Usenet News system located in Dunedin, New Zealand.
Agency News is run as a not-for-profit hobby and offers free access to text-only Usenet News.
We invite you to point your newsreader at news.bbs.nz port 119 for read-only access to all of our available hierarchies including the New Zealand nz.* newsgroups.
Un-authenticated connections can post to the agency.test, agency.chat and nz.test newsgroups. Full posting access to all available hierarchies requires an authenticated login.
If you are looking for Agency BBS either visit bbs.nz via your web browser or use your ANSI friendly Telnet client (e.g. Netrunner at mysticbbs.com) and point it to agency.bbs.nz on port 23.
Newsreader Software
A selection of Usenet news readers that our users read/post with. Got a suggestion to add here? Contact us.
Retro Computing
If you're interested in Usenet then you'll enjoy exploring Bulletin Board Systems (BBS). They are still alive and kicking in the 21st Century!